Hi, there, woah, I am super excited to share my journey with you! If you’re a new mum in the block, as I was a few years ago (at times I still feel like I am) – aka you’ve moved to a different country with your kids and all – then we most certainly have at least one thing in common! (Are you a fanatic reader, wear mismatched socks and have biscuits for breakfast too? Then we’re practically twins lol!).
So let me show you how this whole entrepreneurial journey started for me, ever since we moved to the UK:
I write bilingual personalised books for children and families, but it all started one night, when my daughter was just a baby. We were still in Romania back then.
I invented a story to soothe her and the next thing I knew, she was asleep.
The next morning, while I tried to recreate the story, I realised that it was actually a tale for my little girl. It was HER STORY.
That’s how it all started.
Three years later, here I am, living my dream in the UK, my adoptive country, grateful for every single day I get to wake up and do what I LOVE MOST!
I had to constantly adjust, tune in to my intuition, give myself time and really take action.
Being a foreigner is a solo job. The truth is, loneliness is a hard thing to go through – even introverts feel this major shift when switching countries.
So, by far one of the most difficult transitions I had embrace after moving to the UK was leaving my friends and family and prepare myself for new relationships.
You see, homesickness is actually „a thing”. It’s real and it hurts.
When you’re a mumpreneur, it can get even harder, because you kind of isolate yourself. Everybody else goes to work, gets to meet new people, customers, have a Friday night escape with their coworkers, life goes on much as it was before switching countries.
It wasn’t like this for me.
For a while, it was just me and Ilinca – who was a toddler back then.
The difference between those two pictures above is huuuge! You can’t really tell, cause I am equally happy to have Ilinca, my little girl, with me.
But I know.
It wasn’t until I dared to look my dream in the eyes and say „YES, I AM READY!” that I was able to really enjoy other things I loved to do, such as to travel with my family.
You see, in the first picture I was only beginning to fathom what my life could REALLY be if I only followed my heart. I was tormented by limiting thoughts and beliefs such as „Who am I to do this?” or „I still need to master English to perfection so I can do this!” (ahaha, so, so childish when I look behind)!
None of these beliefs were actually doing me any good. So I decided to take responsibility for my own happiness.
And so I did.
Since then, I have constantly worked on my mindset, on my patience, on finding the right tools to make my work even grater, to serve my customers even better!
It’s a work in progress, I believe it will never stop.
I encourage you to do the same! To hear what your inner voice is telling you!
Start building that business abroad!
This time, you won’t be lonely, that’s why I created the project „Mumpreneur Living Abroad” – so that we can do this TOGETHER!
You’ll find tons of inspiration, tips and strategies to uncover your potential, courses to guide you towards your inner creativity, not to mention my personal 1-1 support to help you GET STARTED!