But I am also a mother, storyteller, content writer and Social Media Manager. I am all of these (and many more!), while also enjoying a walk on the English beautiful coast, a nice latte, a session of spinning, a nice view from my office by the harbour and a hug with my furry friend, Bella – the cat.  

I am a former journalist and I have created online content for more than 7 years now. I fell for blogging when I had just started Uni and I never thought that that would be the beginning of a beautiful relationship with personal storytelling. 

Let me tell you!

I am originally from Romania, and I moved with my family to Devon, an extraordinary part of England, by the ocean. It’s only just beginning to feel like home, but it hasn’t always been like this, on the contrary.

When we moved to the UK, I found my way back to my personal stories so I could remember who I was. Who I was becoming. So, there’s no wonder that I am using storytelling as a way to connect with my online audience. I am so passionate about this, that I want to share this goodness with you too!

I'm Cristina, your content superstar


I am guiding women entrepreneur to a joyful content creation routine, and add the WOW in their online presence! Without losing themselves in the process.

here is how I can help you make a difference

There's a small step from content-overwhelm to "I absolutely LOVE creating content!".
I'll help you take the step and confidently walk the path to a vibrant, profitable online presence!

I know what it’s like to feel lost in the online ocean of information. It doesn’t help that you wear so many other hats either. I mean, how well can we create content while answering an email with one hand and looking for suppliers online with the other?
Not so well.
No wonder that you feel like giving up. No wonder that social media posts have turned into some kind of nightmare. But it doesn’t have to be this way!
You’ll probably roll your eyes and say, “Right, Cristina, it’s easy for you to say, since you’re a writer!”

And, yes, you would be right, BUT (you knew there was a “but” coming, right?) when you’re your own boss, no one will give you a nudge. You don’t have an officemate to do that pesky job of creating content so you can do what you know best.
So, I’m sorry to say it (I’m actually not, just kidding), but YOU will.

From all my experience and the hundreds of stories I’ve written so far, I’ll show you how to create content for your business in a way that works for YOU, following a rhythm that feels aligned. It’s easier than you think!

consultant in comunicare online Cristina Guraliuc

my mission

I want to help as many women entrepreneurs as possible to rekindle the enthusiasm for their business. When "mneah" becomes a "hell YEAH!", something magical happens. People start coming your way naturally, organically. Without you having to change one thing about you. Isn't it great?

There are more than words to this!

I believe in:

  • – Respectful relationships;
    – The healing power of stories;
  • – Kind parenting;
  • – A world where we all love and nurture Mother Earth;
  • – Constant education;
  • – “Dreams come true” mantra (they do! I’m the living proof!)

My favourite things:

I love a good thriller book on stormy weather, I can’t say “no” to a cup of coffee with a fluffy bob of milk on top or a loving hug from Ilinca, my 7-year-old daughter. 

I am a moon lover, constantly educating myself on everything astrology and spirituality (Human Design geek too!). I also believe that these aspects of our lives can be beautifully intertwined with science and the more down-to-earth sides of running a business. 

fun facts:

Ok, this is not easy to admit, but ever since I started the “5 AM club,” I’ve hated the morning routine. I’d hide under my duvet until noon, and I wouldn’t feel a pinch of guilt. Not even one.

I’m still hard to not hit snooze some days, but when you’re growing a business AND a family at the same time, you make it work.

People who have worked with me say:

"I highly recommend Cristina! She is 100% involved in everything she does and she has always surprised me with fresh, creative content ideas!" - Roxana B. - financial consultant

are you ready for a change?

Yes! You can create online content that attracts both clients AND personal joy. At.The.Same.Time.

If somebody asks, tell them “Cristina told me I can!
Or better yet, let’s work together on your unique content strategy and see for yourself. 

If that sounds good, join me a on free 30-minute Discovery Call, to see if there’s a firework display! I really believe there’s an energy exchange between people and that is the invisible glue that keeps us together.

Social Media Management

Ideal package if you are ready to delegate some of your duties. Together with my team, we create content for you so that you have time to do exactly what you know best and what brings you joy (and money, of course).

VIP Virtual Day Intensive

A full afternoon together: either on Zoom or in person if you live in South Devon, where we map out your entire business. I’ll show you, step by step, WHAT, HOW and WHEN to post online in a way that is strategic, impactful and reflects your voice.

Digital Content Online Course

The intensive program of 6 weeks + 1 in which you learn how to communicate online efficiently AND joyfully. “From Start to Success in Online” is the program that has already changed the content creation routine of dozens of female entrepreneurs!