Digital content strategist & social media consultant
Join STS – cursul de comunicare online care Ć®Či aratÄ cum sÄ creezi conČinut cu scop Či bucurie! Waitlist e activ, hai Či tu!
Don’t mind if I do! Add a spark of personality and a routine you *actually* enjoy and you’ve got yourself the perfect recipe for a magnetic content plan that actually makes you eager to create!
Este oficial ON! AlÄturÄ-te Či tu provocÄrii de a fi vizibilÄ Ć®n online aČa cu meriČi! Ćn perioda 1-4 noiembrie vom sparge Ć®mpreunÄ bariere despre care nici nu Čtiam cÄ existÄ, Ć®Či vei redobĆ¢ndi Ć®ncrederea Či vei Ć®nvÄČa sÄ strÄluceČti Ć®n online la potenČial maxim! Succesul e la o aruncÄturÄ de frici distanČÄ. EČti gata?
Lovely, cĆ¢nd creezi conČinut pentru oamenii TÄI, ar trebui sÄ ai fluturi Ć®n stomac Či sÄ te bucure Ć®ntreaga experienČÄ. Ćn 2023 nimeni nu mai are timp de pierdut pe conČinut plictisitor. Či nici tu n-ai timp de pierdut, cÄ doar obiectivele acelea nu se vor Ć®ndeplini singure, am I right?Ā ĆNSCRIE-TE Ć®n cursul de Social Media & contentĀ care Ć®Či aratÄ cum sÄ Ć®Či croieČti o strategie de conČinut online care Či se potriveČte mÄnuČÄ Či Ć®Či sprijinÄ obiectivele! DÄm startul unei noi grupe Ć®n mai 2023, join in!
Lovely, Ć®Či arÄt eu cum! Cum sÄ planifici conČinutul din mediul online Ć®n aČa fel Ć®ncĆ¢t sÄ ai o afacere Ć®mplinitoare – din toate punctele de vedere. Cum sÄ nu mai iroseČti ore Ć®ntregi aplicĆ¢nd toate strategiile din Univers doar ca sÄ-Či dai seama cÄ vorbeČti la pereČi. Cum sÄ creezi un plan editorial strategic care sÄ-Či placÄ Či sÄ-Či aducÄ rezultate. Te invit la Power Hour Collective – membership hibrid intensiv sub puterea lui ĆMPREUNÄ!Ā
Writing a Social Media post or throwing a blog article out there just for the sake of it doesn’t work anymore. If you roll your eyes at the thought of “having” to create content – in whatever way, shape or form – is a clear sign that you’re not doing it with a purpose in mind. You might not even see how the Social Media &co. party fits in the general landscape called āMarketingā. Yes, I said āMarketingā – you’ll learn to love it.
After you’ve uncovered the real reason you create content, you’re going to model it to fit your personality. You’ll see just how easy it is to batch content for a month in advance when everything you create reflects your views and values. And no, you don’t need a special talent for writing – I read your mind – touchĆ©!Ā
Ok, maybe the music is optional. What is NOT optional, though, is the pleasure you create content with. I will teach you to plan and create content in your rhythm, with excitement, minus the draining feeling that “bleah, I have to create content again…”. It would be like having a conversation before coffee vs. after coffee. Spot the difference!
Lovely, nu aČtepta sÄ āfii pregÄtitÄā. Momentul potrivit e ACUM. Či dacÄ ai vÄzut mesajul Ästa, e semnul de care aveai nevoie cÄ e rĆ¢ndul tÄu sÄ strÄluceČti!
I know how it feels to have a fabulous gift, but no idea how to share it with the world.
How do you talk about it? Where do you even start? How much do you share? How often? But what if you run out of ideas? And, even worse, what if nobody CARES? Oh, I understand better than you think… But after writing hundreds of bilingual stories for over six years, I’ve learned that a SOLID PLAN + A TOUCH OF EXCITEMENT never fails.
And I will guide you towards reaching YOUR winning formula. No blueprints, no BS.Ā You see, people just don’t have the time to read boring texts anymore, so you’ll want to impress your audience from the first sentence.Ā
I am going to help you add the “wow factor” to your content and I am going to walk you through a plan that fits your lifestyle, your season in business, your values and your…self.Ā
Let’s untangle the net of ideas and shed light on your content!
Fill your mug (or your stemmed glass š„ – if you know what I mean) with your favourite drink, make yourself comfortable and get inspired by the most popular blog articles about content creation, building a business, productivity, Human Design in business, following your dreams, living abroad and everything in between.Ā
Without taking the strategy and efficiency out of the equation. The whole idea of being visible online is to create a loyal community of people you love serving, while also focusing on propelling your business to success! If one of these is missing, book a Discovery Call with me and see if we’re a good fit.Ā
Ideal package if you are ready to delegate some of your duties. Together with my team, we create content for you so that you have time to do exactly what you know best and what brings you joy (and money, of course).
A full afternoon together: either on Zoom or in person if you live in South Devon, where we map out your entire business. I’ll show you, step by step, WHAT, HOW and WHEN to post online in a way that is strategic, impactful and reflects your voice.
Brainstorming, intensive sessions, where we meet & create a month’s worth of content. We not only come up with creative, valuable ideas, but we also film & shoot videos, images, interviews and so on, depending on the various content formats.
Trucuri din viaČa unui creator de conČinut, mamÄ, storyteller, work from home enthusiast & more.